Individual Notes

Note for:   Percy Ames,   26 FEB 1888 -          Index

Individual Note:
     Name from Scholefield Papers

School Admission Record shows Percy Ames, School: Paekakariki, Register: 166, Admission Date: 27/2/1893, Parent: Horace Ames, Address: Paekakariki, Date of Birth: 26/2/1888

Individual Notes

Note for:   Rene Britten,    -          Index

Individual Note:
     Name from Scholefield Papers

Individual Notes

Note for:   Alfred Lipman Levy,   30 DEC 1845 - 16 APR 1909         Index

Individual Note:
     Name, Date of Birth and Year of Death from Scholefield Papers

The Evening Post 13th July 1866 shows
A public meeting of the members of the Manawatu Small Farm Association was held, pursuant to advertisement, in the Market Hall, at eight o'clock yesterday evening, and notwithstanding the boisterous night, about forty shareholders were present. Mr. J. Woodward was voted to the chair, and on taking it, said that events subsequent to the meeting recently held at the Odd Fellows' Hall rendered the carrying out of the resolutions then passed to form the basis of the association, impossible. It was, therefore, the duty of the Association to weigh the matter carefully, and to consider what was the best to be done under the present circumstances. He then called upon Mr. Thomas McKenzie, the Treasurer of the society, to read the account of the receipts and expenditure, from which it appeared the receipts were 222 pounds 15 shillings, the expenditure 34 pounds 1 shilling 2 pences; invested in the Mutual Investment Society 181 pounds 1 shilling 6 pences, and the balance in hand 6 pounds 12 shillings 4 pences. Mr. Woodward, in continuation, said that the expenses they had heard read would make a charge of from 4 pences to 5 pences a share on each share already taken. That was to say, that if they now wished to dissolve the association each member would receive 2 shillings 2 pences for each share on which he had paid 2 shilling 6 pences. He then announced that the committee had proposed several resolutions, which he read. The most, important was, that all persons be at liberty to join the association who are willing to subscribe to the regulations laid down by the Provincial Council, as to price and occupation, and who are also willing to wait until the 31st December next, by which time it is supposed that the land may be set apart, provided always that if the land be set apart on an earlier date than the said 3lst of December, that the share list be closed at that date, and the association organised. That the entrance fee for the association be 2 shillings 6 pences from each person, but that no person be eligible to become a shareholder who is less than seventeen years of age. That members be allowed to contribute 5 shillings or any multiple of that sum per month from and after this date, such contribution to be deposited at interest until the land be open for selection, and to form a fund for the payment for land for the individual contributor. On being put to the meeting, the resolutions were carried. The committee were re-appointed, Mr T. McKenzie was elected Treasurer, and Mr Alfred Levy Secretary of the association. The Chairman then said that Mr. Alfred Levy would attend at his father's work-shop, Lambton Quay, from 7 to 9 o'clock on Wednesday and Thursday evenings next, for the purpose of repaying to members the money at present paid in, deducting, of course, the charges already mentioned.

1867 - 1868 City of Wellington Electoral Rolls shows Alfred Lipman Levy, Lambton Quay, Freehold, Part of town acre No. 341, Pirie-street

*Marriage Details Date: 1867, Folio No: 517, Names: Alfred L Levy and Mary Ann Mordin*

*New South Wales Registry of Births, Marriages and Deaths shows Alfred L Levy, Registration No: 4899/1909, Father's Given Name: Solomon, Mother's Given Name: Jane, District: Camperdown*

The Evening Post 16th April 1909 shows
Levy - On the 16th April, at Camperdown, Sydney, Alfred Lipman, eldest son of the late Solomon and Jane Levy, aged 63 years. (By cable)

Individual Notes

Note for:   Mary Ann Mordin,   ABT 1845 - 10 JUN 1883         Index

Individual Note:
     Name from Scholefield Papers

*Marriage Details Date: 1867, Folio No: 517, Names: Alfred L Levy and Mary Ann Mordin*

*Death Details Date: 1883, Registration No: 1883/2602, Aged: 38 years, Name: Mary Ann Levy, so born circa 1845 - Date of Death 10/6/1883 from Death Registration*

The Evening Post 11th June 1883
Levy - On the 10th June, at Palmerston North, after a long and painful illness, Mary, beloved wife of Alfred Levy, and daughter-in-law of Mr. Solomon Levy, of this city. She leaves a large family to mourn her loss.
Palmerston North, This Day
The wife of Mr. Alfred Levy, J.P., well known in the Wellington and Napier districts, died here yesterday of consumption